Мцко по английскому 10 класс ответы
Dating > Мцко по английскому 10 класс ответы
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Dating > Мцко по английскому 10 класс ответы
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Read the text and do the tasks. What can you do well? His father, a banker, should have followed his family back to England, but shortly after their departure Arthur Tolkien caught rheumatic fever and died; Ronald and his brother were thus brought up by their mother from age four onwards.
Someone else is shaping their future and they will have to accept the results, whatever they are. It could be difficult to be outside if the weather is bad. Complete each sentence with one of the words — or phrases below. If you have already left school, is it still possible to acquire necessary language skills and make up for opportunities missed in school years? The Internet is very often … to a highway where we are free to explore in any direction. He was born in a small village in England. Choose the right word.
I am a boy. What is this text about? But in 1971 it was changed to a simpler one.
Независимые диагностики МЦКО для обучающихся 9 - 10 классов - Miss Chatter opened the umbrella and the rain of sweets began. This means that Yandex will not be able to remember you in the future.
Для каждого из утверждений 1—7 представлены три возможных ответа: 1 верно — утверждение соответствует содержанию текста, 2 неверно — информация о сказанном в тексте есть, но утверждение ошибочно, 3 нет информации — об этом в тексте не говорится. Обведите номер правильного ответа и запишите этот номер в бланке тестирования справа от номера соответствующего задания. The Mosquitia People A military helicopter lifted off from an airstrip near the town of Catacamas, Honduras, and headed towards the mountains of La Mosquitia on the northern horizon. Below, farms gradually gave way to steep slopes, some covered with unbroken rain forest, others partially stripped for cattle ranching. Picking his way through the summits, the pilot headed for a valley. Flocks of egrets flew below. Trees were swaying with the movement of unseen monkeys. There were no signs of human life - not a road, a trail, or a wisp of smoke. Among the passengers stepping from the helicopter was an archaeologist named Chris Fisher. The valley was in the region long rumored to conceal a mythic metropolis built of white stone, also known as the Lost City of the Monkey God. Chris Fisher did not believe in such legends. But he did believe that the valley contained the ruins of a real lost city, abandoned for at least half a millennium. Mosquitia lies on the frontier of Mesoamerica, close to the territory which used to be occupied by the Maya. While the Maya are among the most studied of ancient cultures in the Americans, the people of Mosquitia are among the most mysterious. Explorers and early aviators spoke of a ruined city rising above the jungle, others repeated tales recorded by Hernan Cortes in 1526, of fabulously rich towns hidden in the Honduran interior. When archaeologists first began to explore Mosquitia in the 1930s, they uncovered some settlements, suggesting that the area was once occupied by the widespread, sophisticated culture- not surprising considering that the region lay at the crossroads of trade and travel between the Maya and other Mesoamericans to the north, west and south. The Mosquitia people probably adopted some aspects of Maya culture. But their exact relationship to their imposing neighbours remains unknown. Some archeologists have proposed that a group of Maya warriors may have taken control of Mosquitia. Others think that the local culture simply adopted some characteristics of the adjacent impressive civilization. When so little is known, anything is possible. Chris Fisher believed that he would be able to learn more about this under-studied culture. All the slopes of La Mosquitia were used for agriculture. Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления. Авторские права на материалы принадлежат их законным авторам. Частичное или полное копирование материалов сайта без письменного разрешения администрации сайта запрещено! Мнение редакции может не совпадать с точкой зрения авторов. Ответственность за разрешение любых спорных моментов, касающихся самих материалов и их содержания, берут на себя пользователи, разместившие материал на сайте. Однако редакция сайта готова оказать всяческую поддержку в решении любых вопросов связанных с работой и содержанием сайта. Если Вы заметили, что на данном сайте незаконно используются материалы, сообщите об этом администрации сайта через форму обратной связи.